I heard Pierce doing who knows what in the bathroom and hollered at him to find out. He came out and informed me he was scrubbing the toilet. I asked him what he was using, fearful where this was going. “Daddy’s toothbrush.” I cracked up. Of course. “The BIG one, with black on it…” He […]
If… Then.
If you ever wake up without a voice, have seven kids to tend to, four to homeschool, your husband is out of town, and your nearly three year old son decides to put lanolin in his hair in lieu of hair gel, take note. Blue Dawn dish soap washes it out. It’ll take several tries, […]
Motherhood: Not for the faint of heart.
It’s really hard to type anything substantial with one hand. It’s really hard to hold and or nurse a baby without at least one hand. See where I’m going with this? But, photos I can do. I love this one of Eden. It’s hard to get a genuine smile captured these days from her – […]
Maybe Oil and Water can mix, after all.
In a rare moment of sharing without finding a way to be upset with one another, Oil and Water were reading a look and find “Where’s Waldo” type book together the other day. I had to take a photo, just to remind myself that it can happen. They play together on a regular basis. They […]
I’m having flashbacks…
Pierce was having fun with my and Blaine’s boots the other day. It reminded me of photos of yesteryear, with a similarly aged Eden… Funny how things change, and yet, stay the same. Looking for these photos of Eden was a ton of fun… with six kids crowded around to see photos of the former […]
My work is not done.
Pierce still wears a diaper to bed. All of his sisters except Charlotte regularly pitch in and put his (cloth) diaper on. Tonight, Sterling offered to help Pierce get ready for bed. Sterling headed to the place that I keep pull-ups reserved specifically for co-op. He grabbed one. I reminded Sterling that those are NOT […]
Cleanly confused.
I’ve been making my own soap for nearly two years now. I was cleaning out the bathroom cupboard a few days ago and found half a dozen bars of Irish Spring from before my soap making days. Charlie was in the tub when I stuck a bar of it into the tub to use it […]
Shopping battles, missing ribs, and toy invasions.
Life has become mere endurance. At 32 weeks pregnant, I’m miserable beyond words. I. Hurt. Everywhere. But, baby kicks and rolls and from all appearances is doing fabulously. I was warned by my midwife to expect this one to be bigger than all my others, since he/she is already larger than most. My heaviest was […]
Strong willed child vs. Tired Moma
After a hard day of mothering children who were refusing to conform to my will, I got out a few of my favorite parenting books. Skimming the pages, I vowed to do things differently, better, more consistently. My consistency flies out the window to a large extent when I’m pregnant. I’m tired. I’m sore. I […]
I never imagined this.
These days are hard. School seems to drag on forever, co-op has become a stress like no other and keeps me awake at night, it’s all I can do to keep up with the house somewhat and laundry, Pierce is tearing the house apart as fast as I can put it back together and refusing […]
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