Today, we packed. And packed. And got groceries. And packed. And checked bikes. I changed a bike tire tube. Oiled chains. Fixed brakes. Made potato salad. Sloppy joe meat. Taco meat. Muffins. And packed. Had Eden move all the eggs to styrofoam cartons. Checked things off of lists. And packed.
Know what’s happening yet?
We’re going camping tomorrow. Ten people camping for five days and four nights equals forty meals to pack and prepare for. Bikes that rarely get ridden in our hill vs highway countryside get a tuneup. Eggs need waterproof space for the wet cooler environment they are headed for. 10 outfits a day times five days is 50 changes of clothing to pack. Three pairs of shoes each is 30 pairs to stow away.
Insanity. I trade the amenities of my home for coolers, heating water for washing, a single cooking burner, and a public bathhouse. We are, thankfully, borrowing a camper to camp with friends. It sounds worlds better than our typical tent. But still, I keep thinking that I’m about to drive six hours to pay money to do harder labors for ordinary things. Sheer craziness.
But the kids are so excited. Even Stellan is excited, and he doesn’t even remember the camping trips of last year. He has no idea what he’s in for. Friends await us in Iowa. Rain potential every day also waits for us, but at least we won’t be in a tent. The dogs and likely boys will be tenting it, but they’ll deal. A friend’s son is doing goat, horse, and chicken chores. We’ll be back Monday.
Charlotte Moore says
WOW!! That does sound like way too much work when you put it that way. HAHA!! Of course the kiddos are looking forward to it because it is all PLAY for them. Hehe!! Oh my, at the memories they will make. You too will make memories jut might not all be good ones.HA!! Hope you all have a very BLESSED trip.
Pilar says
You are mad, woman! That sounds insanely tiring. I’ve never been camping but I always wonder if I’d enjoy it. I do love trees and rain… I’m not sure how I feel about mud and outhouses(??)and bugs, though. Hmm, you just gave me a craving for potato salad. With all the packing you’re doing, you might as well be moving homes– which is what I thought you were about to tell us, he he!
Have a wonderful and joyous trip!
Adrienne says
There’s something nice about no demands of time beyond eating and hanging out that comes with camping. That part, if nothing else, is very nice.