If you know me very well at all, you know I far prefer hands-on learning over learning from a screen. My kids have had very limited exposure to movies, computers, etc. We have a large collection of books and we use a textbook approach to learning the core subjects. When I first learned about Science Shepherd and had the opportunity to review it, I wasn’t entirely sure it was for us. I know the world has gone digital, and homeschooling is quickly following suit, but I’m dragging my feet on it. But when I read that Science Shepherd has quick videos and an accompanying workbook, I decided to jump in, review it, and see how it is. Sterling, who is turning nine tomorrow, reviewed Introductory Science Level B.
Levels A and B both cover the same material and use the same videos. Level A has larger print and less questions in the workbook while Level B asks a bit more writing and remembering from the slightly older student. If you have students in both categories, buying both level workbooks and having the students watch the videos together before working in their own level workbook is a feasible option.
Find Science Shepherd online! They can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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