The girls had three friends over last night for a sleepover. Typically, the sleeping (or lack thereof) happens on the trampoline when they have friends over… but it rained. A bit of rearranging has seven little girls in that bedroom. My word, the giggling. It was still going on at midnight when I went to bed, and going again – I hope – at 5:45 this morning. Fun times.
Coffee is going to be pretty important today.
Those five girls are currently destroying my kitchen, making themselves some pancakes. I’m not sure I want to know.
Blaine’s away on a work trip all next week. My sanity is slipping at the mere thought.
Sunday was Sterling’s seventh birthday. With a church picnic, a rocket powered by vinegar and baking soda (I have yet to be successful at launching… but Blaine got it on the first try. How is that?) from Grandma and Grandpa, and Blaine and I got him a Kindle Fire. (eBay… but this brings the first electronic other than Eden’s e-reader. I’m questioning my thought process at that one. But he’s having the time of his life – and the three games I put on there are word games or geography games. It could be worse.) He had, in his words, “the best birthday ever”. That Kindle has him the star of the show. It’s funny to see my quiet, behind the scenes son enjoying having the coolest toy at the moment.
Liberty’s already contemplating Kindle cover colors for her birthday next month. We’re going to be Kindle poor if she has her way.
Note to all mothers of two year olds out there: Don’t stop taking extra clothes with you. They’ll have the first accident they’ve had in months and months. Followed by a second. My word, that boy. It was bad. Very bad.
Charlotte Moore says
I can only imagine!!!! Haha!!! I am sure he is having a very good time.
Yep, it always happens when you least expect it. Bless you!!!