My girls are back. Life is back to normal. I’ve had to separate more arguments this weekend than normal by a long shot. Ah yes, they certainly missed home.
My parents came for the weekend and brought the girls back. We got quite a bit done yesterday. My living room is now blue. So much better. The kids got a lesson in where meat comes from when one of our goats we’ve been raising for meat hit the freezer. Some took that better than others. And for supper tonight? Mutiny, I’m guessing.
Ruby asked Liberty what name she wanted to use in their game. Liberty told her “Liberty”. After a few moments’ pause, Ruby told her, “I don’t know how to write that, so I just wrote ‘George’.”
It’s been in the upper 90’s at least for weeks. The central air in our house has been out of commission for two summers now – since we bought the house. It hasn’t hit the top of the priority list, and fans work. But it’s not exactly cool in my house. This is also the second summer in a row that I’ve been significantly pregnant. I didn’t realize until we took the coat racks off of the wall to paint that Blaine and my winter coats never made it off of the rack and into the tote for the summer. Something about seeing that wool winter coat of mine made me cringe. Thinking I need to take them up to the shed. Sometime around midnight, when the temps drop back into the 80’s…
There are 9 sets of bed sheets soiled from the last few days sitting in my laundry room. My living room is a beautiful blue – but torn apart like we just moved in. Twelve bookshelves sit empty and my floor bears their contents. I’d better accomplish something. A nap, perhaps?
lcarp51 says
Yes. A nap. Definitely. :)Glad your girls are home.