We have had our goldfish, Sunny (Thus named when he was two. Apparently we needed to be sure he wasn’t going to change color first.) for nearly four years now. He was – wait for it – $0.29 from Walmart. I know! I’d gone through fish after stinking fish, and everything died. Did you know Walmart has a guarantee on their fish? Yep, Mr. Customer Service, that was my Ziploc with the dead Mollie. He didn’t even last 24 hours, and I was sick of it. Sunny was purchased within seconds of the fish man dumping fish into the tank. Apparently, the less time spent at Walmart, the better. Don’t we all know that anyway?!
So, back to Sunny. Sunny isn’t so sunny anymore. He spent the last week dying. I didn’t know fish could take so long – apparently, he liked us. I know photos are the life of the blog, but I’ll spare you on this one. Besides, the only other fish in the tank is a sucker fish, and he mourns strangely…
While we’re on the topic of the dead, Liberty asked me yesterday why the cemetery is named “cemetery”. Seriously, where is my etymology when I need it? The end of Liberty’s question is what makes this one funny. “Is it because they cem, or do they tary?” While we might be able to pull something out of the tary part, I’m thinking not. Liberty loves compound words.
I took the kids to the dentist today. In the waiting room, Sterling hollered potty, then starting watching the floor behind himself while he walked to the bathroom. Yep, we all know what that means. Thankfully, the plop landed after we got into the bathroom and closed the door. So not cool, little man. I need more than 2 seconds warning when these things are coming.
I spent $34 at Kohl’s today. I got shorts for L, a shirt for L, jeans for L, a shirt for R, 2 pairs of shoes for S, a shirt for me, and 4 pairs of earrings. Amount saved off original prices: $139. Sweet.
Mmm, flip flop. Ruby’s teething. Still.
Jennifer says
Too cool about the clothing deals. They are SO much more fun than the toilet paper deals, aren’t they? 🙂