Sterling has been busy. He bought himself a little used Beaver tractor and set to making a bucket for it. He’s made many trips to town for steel and parts, and we’ve ordered hydraulic parts and pieces online that I have no idea what I was ordering when he found links to the perfect part. He researched and measured and welded until he finished the project. It turned out so, so well.
Everything that’s painted blue, plus the black bucket, all the hoses and hydraulics – all of that is Sterling’s work and pretty much started out as flat sheets of metal plus hoses and clamps and things I have no name for.
I’m pretty proud of this 17 year old!
Charlotte Moore says
WOW! That is a smart young man to do all that. Way too go Sterling!
Joanne says
Congratulations Sterling. What a project to plan and complete. You are a hard working young man.
Carl Davis says
Sounds like Sterling is a born mechanic.