We’ve had quite the week around this little farm.
One day last week, right after the raccoon incident, the goats got out. Since they are, umm, goats, that was no shocker.
Upon chasing them back in and heading up to do chores, Blaine found a bloody mess. They’d ran through the barbed wire outside of their pen and, well, barbed wire and a goat with a new endowment she’d never had before… not a good thing.
Salve, feeble attempts at doctoring, and many shots of penicillin later, one of which I decided to indulge in myself (or the goat jumped and I got stabbed, twice – I’ll never tell.) dear goat Coffee is doing well and I was able to milk her out of the injured half once more last night. Since I thought she’d be done in one side and infection was a real possibility, I’m pretty happy with that.
In the meantime, the favorite barn cat acted funny one night and was gone by morning. We found him in the tall grass and had a long talk about life and death.
We planted the sweet corn and the green beans, Pierce broke his first tooth through and it promptly disappeared again by the next morning, and I learned to use a weed eater.
Charlotte learned she really does not like large animals, Pierce learned he does, and Sterling found out he’s not afraid of the big bad wolf big nice dogs.